Resolution: Done
Browser titles were previously "baked into" automated tests to verify the correctness of the titles. It seems that a number of these tests are failing because the titles have changed on the pages.
Test failures (focus on the ones with assertion errors):
Expected :'Inventory | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Systems | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Advisor recommendations - Advisor | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Recommendations - Advisor | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Advisor systems - Advisor | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Systems - Advisor | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Advisor topics - Advisor | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Topics - Advisor | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Comparison - Drift | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Comparison - Drift | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Baselines - Drift | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Baselines - Drift | Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Expected :'Policies | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Policies | Red Hat Insights' Expected :'Register your systems with Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Register Systems | Red Hat Insights' Expected :'Register your systems with Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Register Systems | Red Hat Insights' Expected :'Register your systems with Red Hat Insights | Ansible Automation Platform' Actual :'Register Systems | Red Hat Insights'
One of two things are needed:
1. Correct the page titles in the application
2. Correct the expected value in the tests
- blocks
RHCLOUD-27499 [QE] Fix browser title tests
- Closed
- clones
RHCLOUD-27504 Incorrect Browser Titles for ApplicationServices
- Closed
- mentioned on