Resolution: Done
Phase 2: Backend Starter Apps Development
CRCPLAN-195 - Productivity | Starter Apps for Console
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
This epic will need to be groomed to include the following requirements in each app:
- The required templates for app-interface
- Single solution which can apply to Go and Python (look at cookie cutter as a potential solution)
- App-interface directory for each app to mirror the correct structure
- Ensure we're not creating busy work for teams to manage.
- [Spike] Sync with AppSRE and determine the extent of the details we include and what we can/should do.
- Roles, access, where terraform files live
- Single solution which can apply to Go and Python (look at cookie cutter as a potential solution)
- iQE test suites for both the Ephemeral and Stage environments.
- Single solution which can apply to Go and Python (look at cookie cutter as a potential solution)
- more providers (kafka, storage, etc)
- Logging (link to Splunk/OTEL collector story)
- Metrics
- Latency and error rate
- Metrics and connections
- Dependent on external API (3Scale)
- Homogenizing Go and Python apps
- README standardization
- (Additional reviews with Adam, Pete, etc.)
- API path for app-common-go/app-common-python
- Clowder as source of truth for the application v. bolted on later.
- Health-z endpoints
- Discuss standardization for liveness and readiness probes (not implement but define and plan)
We also need to confirm all this was complete in phase 1
- A README file with clear instructions on how to set up and run the app
- The install script(s) needed to install all dependencies required to run the app
- The required templates for app-interface
- Scaffolding for pre-built code templates or frameworks (codebase, schemas, file structure)
- Demonstration of basic app functionality
- Unit tests and the testing techniques and best practices for console engineering and QE
- Documentation explaining how to extend the application to add new features/functionality/business logic
We need to develop backend starter apps in Go, Python, and Java. These starter apps are modeled on the frontend-starter-app project and represent minimal scaffolds or archetypes that people can check out and get going developing for our platform.
A big part of this effort is to ensure that the starter apps are all uniform and present the same features and design, so a lot of work was done to get that hashed out before we code. Here is the requirements doc for V1:
And here are some of the docs the team used to guide our thinking on this effort:
- clones
RHCLOUD-26245 Phase 1: Backend Starter Apps Development
- Closed
- is cloned by
RHCLOUD-28377 Phase 3: Stater Apps Next Steps
- Closed