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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-26002

Wrong formatting and missing data in https://developers.redhat.com/api-catalog/api/rhsm-subscriptions



      Item Detail
      API name rhsm-subscriptions-api 1.0.0
      Location https://developers.redhat.com/api-catalog/api/rhsm-subscriptions
      Version 1.0.0
      Tags (please review the site to see a list of available tags and list applicable ones here)
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      Product Manager(s)  

      First, it says:

      Base URLs:


      Unknown macro: {HOSTNAME}


      which is not actually helpful. It does not tell me what is the actual end-point I should call. Maybe it is just about some templating failed on that text?

      Second, there is a mention about x-rh-identity header. That is AFAICT ConsoleDot internal stuff which is not useful to customers at all. Customers are not able to use that header. Authentication is not explained there and is incorrect in code examples.

      Generally, it is usually very helpful to provide a sample curl command that actually works and does some basic stuff. That helps me to quickly understand how things work.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-jhatcher Jessica Hatcher
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