Resolution: Done
Timeline disclamer We would love to get it done before summit, as this blocks a workflow that will be shown on Summit's main stage (we have workaround for the demo itself ofc). It would be awesome to get it resolved until Summit, but if we can't close after Summit would be great (when ppl get back from Summit and will want to test this out).
Slack conversation on the issue: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C0233N2MBU6/p1683281072350519
Azure is forbidden to download file from https://console.redhat.com/api/provisioning/v1/azure_offering_template .
This endpoint is owned by Provisioning team and it was added as exception for 3scale authentication.
This URL contains a Azure Lighthouse template, it needs to be downloaded by Azure.
The URL for Azure to download this file is https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fconsole.redhat.com%2Fapi%2Fprovisioning%2Fv1%2Fazure_offering_template
This is an URL Customer gets send by after clicking button in first screen shot.
The second screenshot is a result after few redirects (authenticating to Azure and finaly getting to the above URL).