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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-25569

Platform / Operator support needed to enable Subscriptions UI PR checks on EE


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • No

      As a Subscriptions dev, I would like to make UI PR checks on ephemeral environment part of my workflow. Since I completed RHCLOUD-20288, I already have access to UI container.

      • Navigation in EE is different than in stage and prod. This creates problem for my app iqe plugin.
        • As far as I understand, navigation in stage and prod is managed by cloud-services-config, but navigation in EE is managed by my app's frontend.yaml file.
        • I don't know how to re-create all relevant navigation items in EE using frontend.yaml. I heard frontend operator does not allow to do that yet. If it does, I am missing required documentation explaining this topic. Relevant tickets: RHCLOUD-19211 RHCLOUD-23630
        • Subscriptions is available under multiple left navigation items scattered across all three bundles (Apps & Services, OpenShift, Insights).
        • Subscriptions is not available in "mega-menu" / All Services: RHCLOUD-25263
        • iqe-subscriptions-plugin navigation is targeting stage-beta. If I have to use completely different navigation in EE, that adds maintenance burden and diminish the value of testing on EE (things may appear correct in EE and still be completely broken on stage-beta).
      • I don't know if beta will be available in containers, or not.
        • My deployment workflow is stage-beta -> stage-stable / prod-beta -> prod-stable
        • My development workflow and testing strategy is designed around this deployment workflow. If Beta environment is no longer available, I need to change my workflow and my testing strategy.
        • If Beta is available, I don't know how to use it in containerized world.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mzalewsk@redhat.com Mirek Długosz
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