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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-24809

2023 - Q2 DevProd Hardening/Tech Debt


    • 2023 - Q2 DevProd Hardening/Tech Debt
    • False
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    • False
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    • Done
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      Epic to begin tracking and logging prioritized technical debt for Q4 of 2022. 

      This should include:

      • Bugs: smaller bugs that aren't tackled during the normal course of business. 
      • Lower priority CVEs: any documented CVEs that have not been addressed in the past 6 to 12 months. 
      • Incomplete feature work/tasks: features we have developed but may have been rushed, shipped in a crawl/walk state, or new information was found after implementation. This could also include documentation associated with shipped features.
      • Outdated code/libraries: any stale code and old versions of code that could be refactored (even when it isn't part of any existing feature development/priority) to avoid further complications or impacts to the team(s) later down the road. 

      The initial goal is to associate all the technical debt to this Epic and then we will refine the list and prioritize the items under the epic. 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-rabbott Ryan Abbott
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