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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-21699

Add Workspace support to the SDK


    • Plat-Ex Sprint 56, Plat-Ex Sprint 57, Plat-Ex Sprint 58, Plat-Ex Sprint 59

      With the switchover to KCP, the HAC Infra will need the ability to pass a workspace to the core SDK hooks, K8s utilities, and likely other APIs. The workspace parameter would act in a very similar manner to the existing namespace parameter in the SDK today.

      While the exact behavior is subject to change, we can have a look at the workspace switcher story to get a better idea of what exactly needs to be supported and managed by the core SDK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/HAC-2115

      We will need to keep in mind that the concept of a workspace may not be present on every backend the SDK is pointed at - therefore we should have test coverage for both scenarios.

            bholifie Blake Holifield
            bflorkie@redhat.com Bryan Florkiewicz
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