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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-21049

Fixing managed kafka cacert issues for apps in stage


      Some teams are expecting `cacert` to always be present in the kafka broker config – some are not. Some are expecting a `nil`/`null` value for it, some are expecting the key to be absent, etc. etc.

      In theory, we should not need a ca cert because the managed kafka cert is signed by a well-known certificate authority.

      But, as a short term solution (since different apps/libraries are handling the abscence of the key differently), we are going to have clowder provide the `cacert` in the cdappconfig.json.

      I am adding the DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA to the 'clowder-oauth' vault secret used in stage – then updating clowder to parse the cacert out of this secret and insert it into cdappconfig.json

            bsquizza@redhat.com Brandon Squizzato
            bsquizza@redhat.com Brandon Squizzato
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