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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-2874

[GSS](6.4.z) Start/stop container buttons should be enabled/disabled only when the operation finished

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    • CR2

      If you click START container button in controller's UI it is disabled immediatelly, and STOP button is enabled immediatelly. Even though the container has not fully STARTED yet, it is already possible to click STOP button.

      This can lead to inconsistencies and errors if you press START/STOP buttons quickly. It is issue especially in larger projects when the build takes more time, but issue can be reproduce even with minimal project.

      Video demonstrating the issue is attached.

      The correct behavior would be that if you press START button, the STOP button should be enabled only after container started completely.

        1. after.gif
          7.67 MB
        2. before.gif
          2.10 MB
        3. issue.m4v
          5.25 MB

              karreiro_ Guilherme Gomes (Inactive)
              rhn-support-agiertli Anton Giertli
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
