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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-1672

Java-level deadlock after deleting project

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      Description of problem:
      I managed to create deadlock in Workbench by deleting a project. After that it is not possible to log into Workbench and server never shuts down because of the deadlocked threads.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:
      race condition?

      Steps to Reproduce:
      Not yet.

      Actual results:
      1 deadlock reported by jstack, impossible to log into workbench, server does not shutdown.

      Expected results:
      Deadlock should be prevented.

      Additional info:
      In attached jstack report, look for deadlock section at the end, after full thread dump. It begins with:

      Found one Java-level deadlock:
      waiting to lock monitor 0x00007f2fec07a858 (object 0x00000000b7f6e5e0, a org.uberfire.io.impl.IOServiceNio2WrapperImpl),
      which is held by "http-localhost/"
      waiting for ownable synchronizer 0x00000000b7f6e7b0, (a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$FairSync),
      which is held by "Thread-92"
      waiting to lock monitor 0x00007f2fec07a858 (object 0x00000000b7f6e5e0, a org.uberfire.io.impl.IOServiceNio2WrapperImpl),
      which is held by "http-localhost/"

      Followed by stack traces of the 3 blocked threads.

        1. deadlock after cloning repository.txt
          164 kB
          Jiří Locker
        2. deadlock in ER6.txt
          21 kB
          Jiří Locker
        3. jstack output detecting 1 deadlock.txt
          149 kB
          Jiří Locker

              abakos@redhat.com Alexandre Porcelli
              jlocker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
              Jiří Locker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
              Linda Snyder Linda Snyder (Inactive)
              Jiří Locker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
              Jiří Locker (Inactive), Kris Verlaenen, Marek Baluch, Michael Anstis, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
