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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-1480

Not much friendly maven error message appears when there is some problem with project (e.g. with dependencies)

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      Summary: A simple error with a Project (for example, missing dependencies) can cause an unfriendly Maven error message being provided to the user, with no details of the actual error.

      1.- Depedency fields were not mandatory
      2.- Adding a non existing depedency manually produced a ugly exception to the client.

      Consequence: Poor feedback to the client.

      1.- Depedency fields are now mandatory
      2.- Adding a non existing dependecy produces a friendly error in the user console, no exception is thrown to the client.

      Result: Improved feedback to the user about the error.
      Summary: A simple error with a Project (for example, missing dependencies) can cause an unfriendly Maven error message being provided to the user, with no details of the actual error. Cause: 1.- Depedency fields were not mandatory 2.- Adding a non existing depedency manually produced a ugly exception to the client. Consequence: Poor feedback to the client. Fix: 1.- Depedency fields are now mandatory 2.- Adding a non existing dependecy produces a friendly error in the user console, no exception is thrown to the client. Result: Improved feedback to the user about the error.

      Description of problem:
      Look at the screen shot. This error message provides no help to user without knowledge what is maven, pom.xml and how it works. It says what's wrong in pom.xml - which is some file the user shouldn't have to know it's connected with this screen. And it's very easy to get this error, see the following steps.

      steps to reproduce:
      1. open any project
      2. navigate to Project Screen -> dependencies
      3. add dependency (custom one, not from repository)
      4. fill in only artifactId
      5. save, build & deploy


              romartin@redhat.com Roger Martinez
              rsynek@redhat.com Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              etirelli, (7)
              Marek Winkler (Inactive), paradhya2, Pedro Zapata Fernandez, Radovan Synek (Inactive), Rajesh Rajasekaran, roger.martinez, Vikram Goyal (Inactive)
