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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-114

Make the Home page more useful

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      Description of problem:
      Right now, the Home page is pretty much just a landing page without any other use.
      It would be nice to make it offer the users some relevant guidance.

      The image slider, if it stays at all, should at least switch between different images - using the same one over and over looks strange. It might perhaps contain links to demos.

            jugonzal_jira Juanma González (Inactive)
            zkrejcov Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            etirelli, Jiří Locker, paradhya2, Pedro Zapata Fernandez, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Shelly McGowan (Inactive)
