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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-1127

Deployment of Business-central to WebSphere app server 8.5 fails with "Singleton is not set" exception

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      Deployment of BRMS business-central (generic deployable binaries distribution, CR2) failed with java.lang.IllegalStateException: Singleton is not set, when initializing CDI beans. Detailed server log excerpt is in the attachment. Business-central was deployed without any configuration changes.

      It seems as a conflict between Weld, which is bundled in business-central.war and webbeans, CDI implementation in WAS.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              rsynek@redhat.com Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              Radovan Synek Radovan Synek (Inactive)
              Alexandre Porcelli, Cheng Zhang (Inactive), David Gutierrez, etirelli, Marek Winkler (Inactive), Pere Fernandez Perez, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Toni Rikkola
