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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-968

Chrome: jbpm-forms-rest-integration.js errors when working with task forms


      Description of problem:
      When using google chrome (current latest version 39) When I load a process startform / task form using jbpm-forms-rest-integration.js app and then try to use the form (i.e. start process, claim / complete task) I'm getting javascript error: undefined is not a function.

      The error seems to be caused by line 9 in jbpm-forms-rest-integration.js:

      -> lastConfig is not null, but host is null;

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      BPM Suite 6.1.0 ER6

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Open process start form loaded using jbpm-forms-rest-integration.js in google chrome
      2. Start the process using this form

      Actual results:
      Javascript error in browser javascript console (F12) and the function defined by "successCallback" / "errorCallback" parameters in showStartProcessForm are not called

      Expected results:
      No javascript error, and success/error callbacks are called.

      Additional info:
      Attached simple web app used for testing embedded forms feature

            rh-ee-pefernan Pere Fernandez Perez
            jhrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Kris Verlaenen
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
