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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-5218

(GSS)[6.4.x]Not able to use encrypted password in settings.xml file


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 6.4.10.GA
    • Kie-Server
    • Hide

      1. mvn –encrypt-master-password
      2. Save encrypted password (including brackets) in $USER_HOME/.m2/settings-security.xml (in master XML tag)
      3. mvn –encrypt-password
      4. Save encrypted password (including brackets) in settings.xml (in password XML tag. This settings.xml used while starting remote kie-server instance

      5. Node1 ( where business-central.war is deployed.
      6. Node2 ( where kie-server.war is deployed. This kie-server node is managed by business-central deployed on node1.
      7. On node-2, pass settings.xml file which has location of node1 business-central maven repository, when I try to create container from BC UI it should download kjar from BC maven repository. But its not able to download kjar if I use encrypted password in settings.xml file.

      1. mvn –encrypt-master-password 2. Save encrypted password (including brackets) in $USER_HOME/.m2/settings-security.xml (in master XML tag) 3. mvn –encrypt-password 4. Save encrypted password (including brackets) in settings.xml (in password XML tag. This settings.xml used while starting remote kie-server instance ~~~ -Dkie.maven.settings.custom=/path/to/settings.xml ~~~ 5. Node1 ( where business-central.war is deployed. 6. Node2 ( where kie-server.war is deployed. This kie-server node is managed by business-central deployed on node1. 7. On node-2, pass settings.xml file which has location of node1 business-central maven repository, when I try to create container from BC UI it should download kjar from BC maven repository. But its not able to download kjar if I use encrypted password in settings.xml file.

      Customer is using kie-server with remote business-central server. Kie-server suppose to use business-central maven repository to download kjar while creating container. User details of business-central maven repository are specified in settings.xml file in encrypted format. But container creating fails with below exception as kie-server not able to pull artifacts from business-central maven repository:

      ERROR [org.kie.server.services.impl.KieServerImpl] (EJB default - 1) Error creating container 'example:Project1:1.02' for module 'example:Project1:1.02': java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find KieModule: example:Project1:1.02
      at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieServicesImpl.newKieContainer(KieServicesImpl.java:186)
      at org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieServicesImpl.newKieContainer(KieServicesImpl.java:176)
      at org.kie.server.services.impl.KieServerImpl.createContainer(KieServerImpl.java:241)
      If I use plain-text password in settings.xml file then kie-server able to download kjar from remote business-central server.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              rhn-support-abhumbe Abhijit Humbe
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
