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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-4283

Context menu 'Morph Activity' is not consistent with other options


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 6.4.0
    • Eclipse Tooling
    • User Experience
    • ER1

      In the BPMN2 Modeler can be invoked context menu by right click on any process element. For tasks such context menu contains option Morph Activity. Behavior of Morph Activity option is not consistent with other options like Append Activity.

      Append Activity - to see sub-options it is enough to move mouse over this option
      Morph Activity - to see sub-options it is needed to click on this option

      Expected result:
      Behavior of Morph Activity is the same as for Append Activity

            mnovotny@redhat.com Marek Novotny
            rh-ee-jomarko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
