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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-3635

Unify JMS setup across supported containers


      BPMS supports JMS on WebSphere, WebLogic and EAP containers. However, on each of these containers different configuration is needed. For example, for EAP there is a single connection factory, for WebSphere two CFs are needed (KIE.RESPONSE.ALL and KIE.INPUT), for WebLogic 4 CFs - there is a CF for each queue. Also default JNDI queue names are diffent - e.g. jms/KIE.SESSION vs. jms/queue/KIE.SESSION. Please see more details in a readme for corresponding containers [1], [2].

      Is it possible to unify the JMS setup for supported containers in following ways?

      • number and default naming of connection factories
      • default naming of queues

      [1] WAS : https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions/tree/6.0.x/kie-wb/kie-wb-distribution-wars/src/main/was8

      [2] WLS : https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions/tree/master/kie-wb/kie-wb-distribution-wars/src/main/assembly/weblogic12

            marco.rietveld Marco Rietveld (Inactive)
            rsynek@redhat.com Radovan Synek
            Radovan Synek Radovan Synek
            Radovan Synek Radovan Synek
            Kris Verlaenen
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