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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-3247

The unsaved changes in BPMN Designer are saved automatically even though I cancelled the transition to another view and the transition is performed as well despite of the cancellation


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      Summary: BPMN Designer ignores user input for cancelling transition to another view and saving changes. With unsaved changes in a view, trying to transition to another view in the BPMN Designer still takes place even though the user selects cancel transition in the confirmation dialog. The unsaved changes from the previous transactions are also saved.




      Summary: BPMN Designer ignores user input for cancelling transition to another view and saving changes. With unsaved changes in a view, trying to transition to another view in the BPMN Designer still takes place even though the user selects cancel transition in the confirmation dialog. The unsaved changes from the previous transactions are also saved. Cause: Consequence: Fix: Result:

      Description of problem:

      It's not possible to cancel the transition to other view when I have unsaved changes in my business process. A dialog asks me whether I want to continue because I have unsaved changes. I don't agree, so I cancel this operation The unexpected behavior is that the business process is automatically saved and I'm forced to continue to the view even though I disagreed.

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Edit a business process but don't save it
      2. Open Process Definitions view
      3. In the dialog, saying you have unsaved changes, click on cancel button
      4. See how you are transferred to the unwanted Process Definitions view
      5. When you return to the process, edited before, you'll see the changes were saved and you have no option to return the changes in BPMN designer.

            abakos@redhat.com Alexandre Bakos
            ibek1@redhat.com Ivo Bek
            Ivo Bek Ivo Bek
            Ivo Bek Ivo Bek
            Alexandre Bakos, Kris Verlaenen, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Vikram Goyal (Inactive)
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