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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-2605

Closing Problems tab reloads the Designer, discarding all changes


    • Release Notes
    • ER4
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      Cause: The designer is reloaded after closing the Problems tab while a particular process is open.

      Consequence: This discards all the changes made in the process which is open.

      Fix: The designer reloads without discarding any changes made to the process.

      Result: The changes remain unchanged.
      Cause: The designer is reloaded after closing the Problems tab while a particular process is open. Consequence: This discards all the changes made in the process which is open. Fix: The designer reloads without discarding any changes made to the process. Result: The changes remain unchanged.

      Description of problem:
      If you close the Problems tab while you have some process opened in the Designer, the Designer reloads and you loose any changes made to your process.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      BPMS 6.0 ER2

            rhn-support-tsurdilo Tihomir Surdilovic (Inactive)
            zkrejcov Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            Sona Mala Sona Mala (Inactive)
            Sona Mala Sona Mala (Inactive)
            Anne-Louise Tangring (Inactive), Cheng Zhang (Inactive), Edson Tirelli, Kris Verlaenen, Marek Baluch, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Vikram Goyal (Inactive)
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