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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-1893

Operation "Undo" does not cooperate with workflow patterns


    • ?
    • While using the Undo functionality in Process Designer, you will not be able to remove work flow patterns from the process, even if the Undo operation reaches an empty process. There is currently no workaround to this issue.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      6.0.0 DR5 (Beta3)

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. create process in designer
      2. add workflow pattern
      3. click on Undo (many times)

      Actual results:
      Work flow pattern is still in the process, even if operation Undo reaches a empty process

      Expected results:
      Operation Undo delete whole Workflow Pattern.

      Additional info:

            rhn-support-tsurdilo Tihomir Surdilovic (Inactive)
            smala_jira Sona Mala (Inactive)
            Jiří Locker Jiří Locker
            Jiří Locker Jiří Locker
            Jiří Locker, Kris Verlaenen, Lukáš Petrovický (Inactive), Marek Baluch, Rajesh Rajasekaran, Vidya Iyengar
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
