Resolution: Done
The fix is not complete - it does not work with different locale settings, please fix and re-test with settings like es_ES / it_IT ..
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1166663 +++
Description of problem:
Tasks with ID higher than 1000 does not being completed and the error is shown in the Firefox java script console: uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: For input string: "1,005"
Print screen attached.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
We tested in the versions above.
How reproducible, Steps to Reproduce:
I created a simple project with only one human task, deployed the project and started 1002 instances of it using the following script:
for i in `seq 0 1001`
curl -X POST -u 'user:password' http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/runtime/
In my case curl is as follows:
curl -X POST -u 'jesuino:redhat2014!' http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/runtime/com.redhat.gss.bpms:test-lots-ht:1.0/process/test-lots-ht.simple-ht-process/start
You need to replace user, password, deploymentId and processID with the parameters of your environment. Make use user is an actor of the human task.
When when I go to Tasks -> Tasks List, I see more than 1000 tasks tasks waiting to be completed. When I click on a task with more ID bigger than 1000 start it and and click in complete, I can see the mentioned error in the javascript console.
Actual results:
In the business-central at the Task List, the task should be completed but instead the error is shown in the javascript console:
com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: For input string: "1,005"
Expected results:
Task should be completed.
Additional info:
As workaround we can use this curl -X POST -u 'user:password' http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/task/taskId/complete
But if the task receive parameters, this workaround will not work.
— Additional comment from Spolti on 2014-11-21 07:52:26 EST —
— Additional comment from JBoss Product and Program Management on 2014-11-21 08:00:06 EST —
Since this issue was entered in Red Hat Bugzilla, the release flag has been
set to ? to ensure that it is properly evaluated for this release.
— Additional comment from Spolti on 2014-11-21 14:54:26 EST —
Tested with different locales:
Brazil (1 011) : uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: For input string: "1 011"
French (1.011) : uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: For input string: "1.011"
United Kingdom (1,011) : uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: For input string: "1,011"
— Additional comment from Mauricio Salatino on 2014-11-21 15:22:23 EST —
This issue is no longer present in 6.2.x branch. I wasn't able to reproduce the issues described with the 6.0.3 version of the product.
— Additional comment from Spolti on 2014-11-21 16:15:27 EST —
Hello Mauricio.
All tests that I did was in the version 6.0.3.
— Additional comment from Gary Hu on 2014-11-24 10:18:09 EST —
Hi Mauricio,
I have tested bpms 6.0.3 following the reproducing steps mentioned in this bz and I'm able to see the same issue there.
I'm running with an out-of-box installation.
Can you share us your steps in your testing on bpms 6.0.3?
Why this issue is no longer present in 6.2.x branch? Is it a test result or based on any jira/bz that we've fixed the issue there?
— Additional comment from Alessandro Lazarotti on 2014-11-24 14:26:30 EST —
Customer is NOKIA and this is blocking them.
Which was the fix used in 6.2 ? Could you please try to test it using the product bits as described by the others above? The issue is consistently reproducible and we will need to provide a fix asap.
— Additional comment from Mauricio Salatino on 2014-12-05 08:51:44 EST —
I've fixed this in a branch based on 6.0.x -> and the patches can be obtained from here:
(optional but recommended: https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions/commit/857cebcad.patch)
I will NOT merge this with 6.0.x
The work can be tested by using the BZ-1166663 in the jbpm-console-ng and kie-wb repositories.
— Additional comment from Mauricio Salatino on 2014-12-19 07:43:42 EST —
merged in 6.0.x:
— Additional comment from Jan Hrcek on 2015-01-20 04:23:59 EST —
Ok, verified with BPM Suite 6.1.0 ER4
— Additional comment from Kris Verlaenen on 2015-10-29 09:33:52 EDT —
Reopening, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1175887
The fix is locale-dependant.
See [1].
For example, it does not work with es_ES and it_IT locale.
In different locales (beside en_US), the 1,000 is apparently interpreted as ONE and not as THOUSAND, so you may end up with following exception:
Please make sure that this is fixed across all locale settings.
This seems to have even more serious impact in 6.1
See task list with es_ES locale when there are tasks with id over 1000
It's empty.
In comparison, the same Task List with en_US settings:
- blocks
RHBPMS-649 [6.0.3.RP#2] Tasks with ID higher than 1000 does not being completed
- Verified
- duplicates
RHBPMS-2030 Tasks with ID higher than 1000 does not being completed
- Verified
- is blocked by
RHBPMS-2030 Tasks with ID higher than 1000 does not being completed
- Verified