Resolution: Done
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Description of problem:
If user will use Force Unlock button to unlock Business Process he have to reopen the Business Process to make some changes. See Attachment.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open a Business Process and start to edit it by user A
2. Open this BP with user B and use Force Unlock button
3. Try to modify BP by user B
Actual results:
You have to reopen the Business Process
Expected results:
You can modify the project immediately.
- blocks
RHBPMS-1916 After click on Force Unlock you have to close and reopen Business Process to work with them
- Verified
- is duplicated by
RHBPMS-1916 After click on Force Unlock you have to close and reopen Business Process to work with them
- Verified