Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
After I moved the element then functionalities of Quick Shape Menu is broken.
The first problem is:
- I cannot attach any node by clicking on it
The second problem is: - if I drag any shape then it is added on canvas but the sequence flow does not connect both nodes. The left top corner of canvas is connected to the new node.
If I reactivate the element then Quick Shape Menu works properly.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
6.1.0 DR2
How reproducible:
Use IE11 and move element
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create new process
2. move start node
3. attach new task
a) by clicking on task
b) by drag&drop the task
Actual results:
3. a) nothing happen
3. b) new element is added on canvas but sequence flow does not connect both elements. It seems like a sourceRef is unknown.
Expected results:
3. a) add new element to the predefined place (related to source node)
3. b) add new element to the desired place and connect both elements by sequence flow.
Additional info:
It seems that any append element has same behaviour as moved one.
- is related to
RHBPMS-1142 IE11: A moving of an element causes that this element looses a focus
- Verified
- relates to
RHBPMS-1142 IE11: A moving of an element causes that this element looses a focus
- Verified