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  1. Red Hat build of Keycloak
  2. RHBK-1940

[GHI#30857] Check for being Offline type in refresh token flow must be done based on refresh token request parameter


    • False
    • Hide


    • False

      Before reporting an issue

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      Describe the bug

      Based on Refreshing an Access Token :

      > The authorization server MAY issue a new refresh token, in which case
      the client MUST discard the old refresh token and replace it with the
      new refresh token. The authorization server MAY revoke the old
      refresh token after issuing a new refresh token to the client.

      In Keycloak you can not return refresh token in refresh token flow using SuppressRefreshTokenRotationExecutor policy executor.
      Another way is after geting refresh token to disable 'Use refresh tokens' client parameter.

      User get refresh token for a client 'Use refresh tokens' including offline_access scope. This is offline type refresh token.
      User do refresh token flow. A new access token will be returned without a new refresh token.

      This PR has added check for being offline type based on return refresh token (if exists).
      As you see from above scenario, this could lead to an offline refresh flow to characterize as no offline.
      This lead in RefreshTokenGrantType line 85 to try update user session for offline user session.

      For regular cases, although no error is thrown, I do not know what happens during offline user session update.
      The most important is that this scenario will not work during Keycloak restart (or upgrade). After restart, if you try to execute refresh token flow with a refresh token produced before restart, a NullPointerException will be thrown .As you know, offline refresh token lives after restart

      Check for refresh token must be done based on refresh token request parameter.




      [X] The issue is a regression

      Expected behavior

      • In the scenario mentioned, user session must not refreshed in refresh token flow.
      • Offline refresh token flow must always work with offline refresh token produced before Keycloak restart.

      Actual behavior

      • In the scenario mentioned, user session is refreshed in refresh token flow.
      • Offline refresh token flow with offline refresh token produced before Keycloak restart, returns NullPointerException.

      How to Reproduce?

      • Client with 'Use refresh tokens' parameter.
      • Use SuppressRefreshTokenRotationExecutor policy executor for this client.
      • User get refresh token for this client including offline_access scope. This is offline type refresh token.
      • Keycloak restart
      • Execute refresh token flow with a refresh token produced before restart

      Anything else?

      No response

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pvlha Pavel Vlha
            Keycloak Core Clients
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