Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Cluster Creation From Backup
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
The "Auto backup/restore for HostedControlPlanes" (HOSTEDCP-2208), when finished, will still require manual itervention to:
- setup the control plane backups (OADP installation; DataProtectionApplication and Backup manifests creation)
- restore a given control plane (Restore manifest creation)
This means:
- Extra toil for SRE
- No no self-healing of control planes
- No possibility for automated migration of control planes to different management clusters
The enhancement request consists of:
- Make the backup/restore configuration part of the HostedCluster API
- Automatically set up the Control Plane backup upon Control Plane creation (once the OADP APIs are available in the cluster)
- Add to the Control Plane creation happy path a check for the existence of backups
- Create the Control Plane automatically restoring it from the latest backup, when backups exist
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
- The priority here is to reduce toil and mitigate risks from manual interventions by automating the backup configuration and as as the restore proccess.
- Having the content of the Backup and Restore manifests maintained by HO reduces the risk for misconfiguration.
- This will also improve the customer experience by reducing downtime during disaster sittuations.
- It will also enable automated migration of Control Planes in the Managed offering, though this topic is not on the roadmap at the moment, so not a core goal at this point.
4. List any affected packages or components.
- Hypershift Operator / Control Plane Operator
- depends on
OCPSTRAT-1409 Auto backup/restore for Hosted Clusters for Self-Managed HCP Part II
- In Progress
- is related to
OCPSTRAT-1408 Comprehensive Automation of HCP Backup and Restore Processes for Enhanced Scalability and Reliability
- In Progress