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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-6813

Enable configuration of hosts plugin in CoreDNS


    • False
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    • False
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      1. Proposed title of this feature request
      Enable configuration of hosts plugin in CoreDNS

      2. What is the nature and description of the request?
      In ARO we currently use dnsmasq to serve the api and api-int records as well as a list of "gateway domains" to the cluster. The gateway domains are public records but we need to serve alternate A records for them to redirect the traffic over a private link to a proxy. ARO wishes to stop using dnsmasq for this, so to preserve this functionality we need CoreDNS configured with a hosts plugin block similar to

      .:5353 {
      	hosts {	api.m71z3hze.eastus.aroapp.io api-int.m71z3hze.eastus.aroapp.io	agentimagestorewus01.blob.core.windows.net agentimagestorecus01.blob.core.windows.net agentimagestoreeus01.blob.core.windows.net agentimagestoreweu01.blob.core.windows.net agentimagestoreeas01.blob.core.windows.net eastus-shared.prod.warm.ingest.monitor.core.windows.net gcs.prod.monitoring.core.windows.net gsm1318942586eh.servicebus.windows.net gsm1318942586xt.blob.core.windows.net gsm1580628551eh.servicebus.windows.net gsm1580628551xt.blob.core.windows.net gsm479052001eh.servicebus.windows.net gsm479052001xt.blob.core.windows.net maupdateaccount.blob.core.windows.net maupdateaccount2.blob.core.windows.net maupdateaccount3.blob.core.windows.net maupdateaccount4.blob.core.windows.net production.diagnostics.monitoring.core.windows.net qos.prod.warm.ingest.monitor.core.windows.net login.microsoftonline.com management.azure.com arosvc.azurecr.io arosvc.eastus.data.azurecr.io imageregistryhypp0.blob.core.windows.net
      		ttl 3600

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
      ARO needs this to remove our dependence on dnsmasq and move closer to vanilla OCP. ARO also needs this to remove the fork of the installer which is patched to add the dnsmasq functionality.

      4. List any affected packages or components.
      DNS Operator

              mcurry@redhat.com Marc Curry
              rh-ee-adenton Andrew Denton
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
