Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Proactive Architecture
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request:
There should be a validation present before attempting to install/upgrade OCP in disconnected environment for checking all the images from release if all are present & they are not corrupted.
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
While we are trying to upgrade the OCP cluster in disconnected environment OR install the fresh ocp cluster, we need to have some validation, upgrade or installation should not proceed, if any image is either corrupted or absent. OR either there should be error displayed on the screen.
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
We have seen the cases of installation as well as upgradation where if upgrade or installation is stuck somewhere, we do not find any clue in the log budle.
Also, sometimes we need to backtrack our investigation to mirror registry created for the cluster to check all the images are present & manually copy via skopeo.
So it is better to avoid this at the first place. This is more of refinement to the OCP as a product. To catch the issue early rather than investigation due to customer not following prerequisites properly to mirror completely.
There are the times when cu mirror the registry, and plan to upgrade after few days, there are chances that those images may get corrupt in between that time, so we can avoid this at first step.
4. List any affected packages or components.
[1] oc adm upgrade
[2] installer
- account is impacted by
OCPSTRAT-1834 OCP Update Precheck command to improve update experience
- In Progress
- is related to
RFE-7117 [RFE] Share images between OCP nodes for network bandwidth reduction and installation/upgrade/node creation speedup
- Backlog