Business Problem:
Customers typically use identity providers to log in. Users are confused because there is a login method that does not work for them. This creates additional workload on the RHACS administration team as they regularly need to explain that users need to use the other login option
Use Cases:
Administrators should be able to disable the "Login with Username / Password" option. It will be beneficial to administrators because the end user wont see a auth provider that does not work once there is an identity provider configured.
The admin user of RHACS itself can be disabled using "central.adminPasswordGenerationDisabled: true", however the login option is still there. This RFE asks for this option to be able to be removed.
Key Functionality:
RHACS instance can be configured so that the default "Login with Username / Password" option is disabled. This should be possible via the existing CRDs.
Note from The main point here is hiding the "Login with Username / Password" option from the dropdown in the UI. This does not necessarily mean the login option is disabled, we can actually keep it enabled (via direct link) but hide it from the list of available auth providers.
Administrators now have be possibility to disable the default "Login with Username / Password" option, leading to less confusion with end users.