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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-6344

Create tester for ACS Jira Ticket Pipeline functioning


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • rhacs, rhacs-integration
    • None
    • Improvement
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected

      Business Problem:

      [Explain the business problem that the customer is trying to solve. There may be several ways to address it, so the more context you provide, the better solution we can design]

      SRE is planning to rollout ACS Jira CVE Ticketing for all operators in SREP. As part of this SRE would like to be able to test if the ACS ticketing pipeline is functioning during periods SRE expects to be receiving alerts. 

      Use Cases:

      [Describe specific scenarios or situations where the feature would be useful]

      If an operator has not received tickets recently for CVE's we need to be able to check if the pipeline is still working to assure this is expected behavior at the time.

      Key Functionality:

      [Outline the main functions and capabilities of the feature]

      SRE can perform a command against ACS for a specific operator to check if ACS is able to generate the expected tickets.


      [Highlight the benefits/advantages of the suggested feature if not addressed above]]
      SRE looks to adopt ACS as source of truth and become a main customer of the ACS product

      Acceptance criteria:

      [Describe the key features that need to be covered by the feature to be able to satisfy the customer]

      Functionality exists where SRE can perform a command to validate the ACS ticketing pipeline works for the specific policy they are targetting

      Implementation Suggestions (optional):

      • Integration: [Specify any existing systems or tools that the new feature should integrate with]


      • Dependencies: [Describe any dependencies on other 3rd party integrations or OCP components] 


      • User Experience: [Provide suggestions for designing the UI to optimize usability. Highlight other relevant aspects of the user experience ]



      [Specify the preferred implementation date or any specific deadlines for the feature implementation]

      SRE plans to roll ACS out this week or next week (8/26) or (9/2). So if this feature could be made before end of Q3 that would be Ideal.

      Please use the following Jira fields to complete this Feature Request

      1. [Jira Field] Summary Required: [Provide a clear and concise name/description for the feature] Summary in the ticket
      2. [Jira Field] Description: See previous
      3. [Jira Field] Component: OSD (Although all components have their own component)
      4. [Jira Field] Priority: [Indicate the importance or urgency of the feature on a scale of High, Medium, or Low] Medium
      1. [Jira Field] Supporting Documentation:
      1. [Attach any relevant documents, research, or supporting materials that provide additional context or information]



              sbadve@redhat.com Shubha Badve
              npecka@redhat.com Nicholas Pecka
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              2 Start watching this issue
