Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Allow User Preferences to be accessed/written to by pods using the user's credentials.
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Allow deployed apps* on K8s (OpenShift) to submit requests to K8s for User Preferences (api only – no UI needed)
* Deployed apps definition here is:
- Deployment created and hosts pod(s) through the OpenShift system
- Pods host a UI with custom flows
- UI uses the Pod's pass-through to K8s to take the token of their logged in user and supply updates to resources on their behalf
FWIW, I imagine this can be conveyed through K8s terms and not needing direct implementation on Console. eg. "Write/Update configmap(s) in namespace x".
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
So custom flows in the app's UI that the user/customer is using can be stored persistently (and consistently) on the cluster so browser or computer differences retain their preferences. If plugins are created later, they can expose these values in the User Preferences section.
4. List any affected packages or components.
Red Hat OpenShift AI (RHOAI) is the app requesting this. Unsure if that's applicable for this section. Outside of OpenShift Console proper.