1. Proposed title of this feature request:
Network Bandwidth Quota for OpenShift
2. What is the problem that your customer is facing?
Openshift workloads in a specific namespace sometimes run a batch job that affects network infrastructure. Loadbalancer and firewall network devices are affected by a Openshift workload because bandwidth limitation cannot be made; therefore, additional license costs arise.
3. What is the nature and description of the request?
Currently, it is possible to limit network bandwidth at pod level. But at the namespace level, there is no K8s native solution to limit network bandwidth. Developers might create multiple pods or they might change annotations for the pods by editing deployment resources ( "kubernetes.io/ingress-bandwidth" annotation ). Openshift or kubernetes by itself can not limit network bandwidth at namespace level. There is a need for a object like resourceQuota to define a quota for bandwidth.
4. What are your expectations for this feature //Please add any requirements you may have so that we are able to deliver what you need
An K8s custom resource like networkquota could be defined in a namespace and could be controlled by cluster admins. So that, bandwidth usage could be limited for specific namespaces and developers might be able to run their workloads between defined restrictions.
5. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
To protect and control internal network bandwidth usage in order to prevent the use of full capacity of network devices and preventing applications from affecting each other.
6. What is the business impact, if any, if this request will not be made available?
An application might be able to affect related network devices, consequently, there may be delays in service times and license costs.