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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-6072

RHACS: Feature request to support vulnerability scanning for PHP, Rust and Go languages


    • False
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    • False

      Feature request to support vulnerability scanning for PHP, Rust and Go languages 

      Add vulnerability scanning support for PHP, Rust and Go languages, either leveraging related package managers of layer-based checks (like in Python or Java).
      The feature would have the advantage of providing a better competition with other scanners that already provide extensive language support.

      Customer Sogei (EMEA/MED/ITALY, SFDC Account ID 001300000094WfeAAE) is conducting a Poc for RHACS, and expressed the desire to see support for PHP, Rust and Go languages under the vulnerability scan features. They already build their own PHP and Go images and have interest on Rust for future developments.
      During a session one of the stakeholders directly compared our supported languages and runtimes list with the support matrix of Trivy (https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/blob/main/docs/vulnerability/detection/language.md). Ideally, the same could be achieved on our side with Claircore modules to add support of new languages and distributions.

      We think that this could be a useful enhancement for many customers focused on the image vulnerability monitoring, one of the most important features associated to a container security solution.

              sbadve@redhat.com Shubha Badve
              gbsalinetti Giovan Battista Salinetti
              Anjali Telang, Boaz Michaely, Doron Caspin, JP Jung, Maria Simon Marcos, Shubha Badve
              ACS Scanner
              21 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
