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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-6019

RHACS: Improve UX of deferrals


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected

      Business Problem:

      Immediate issue: open-source issue stated that trying to delete expired deferrals from the DB using the API is blocked by "Only vulnerability exceptions or updates in pending state can be deleted" (and impossible to find expired deferrals in UI.

      Part of larger problem:

      1. API query format, for instance to search for expired deferrals, is not clear.
      2. UI lacks the ability to find, and also delete, expired deferrals.

      Use Cases:

      from the GitHub issue:

      We are needing to extract deferral request info from ACS as the UI (to put it bluntly) is a bit rubbish for this. However we are finding a load of no longer used deferral requests and we'd like to do some housekeeping. Is it possible via the API please? (The deferrals we are wishing to remove don't show in UI as they've expired).


      Key Functionality:

      see Business Problem above


      [Highlight the benefits/advantages of the suggested feature if not addressed above]]

      Acceptance criteria:

      [Describe the key features that need to be covered by the feature to be able to satisfy the customer]

      Implementation Suggestions (optional):

      • Integration: [Specify any existing systems or tools that the new feature should integrate with]


      • Dependencies: [Describe any dependencies on other 3rd party integrations or OCP components] 


      • User Experience: [Provide suggestions for designing the UI to optimize usability. Highlight other relevant aspects of the user experience ]



      [Specify the preferred implementation date or any specific deadlines for the feature implementation]


      Please use the following Jira fields to complete this Feature Request

      1. [Jira Field] Summary Required: [Provide a clear and concise name/description for the feature]
      2. [Jira Field] Description:
      3. [Jira Field] Component:
      4. [Jira Field] Priority: [Indicate the importance or urgency of the feature on a scale of High, Medium, or Low]
      1. [Jira Field] Supporting Documentation:
      1. [Attach any relevant documents, research, or supporting materials that provide additional context or information]



            sbadve@redhat.com Shubha Badve
            vwilson@redhat.com Van Wilson
            Anjali Telang, Boaz Michaely, Doron Caspin, JP Jung, Maria Simon Marcos, Shubha Badve
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
