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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-5967

RHACS: Add Rocky Linux scanner capability


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected

      Business Problem:

      Based on various data Rocky Linux is taking 8-10% of Linux distributions, therefore some customers prefer to use Rocky Linux as a base image. 
      ACS has no Rocky Linux scanner, we have a customer who sees this as a competitive disadvantage compared to Snyk, Trivy, Prisma and JFrog XRay. 
      Use Cases:
      Every customer using Rocky as base image

      Key Functionality:

      Adding Rocky Linux scanning capability to Clair and ACS


      Provide the same functionality as Snyk, Trivy, Prisma and JFrog XRay. 


              sbadve@redhat.com Shubha Badve
              rhn-support-avanwoen AJ van Woensel
              Anjali Telang, Boaz Michaely, Doron Caspin, JP Jung, Maria Simon Marcos, Shubha Badve
              2 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
