Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
*Problem: *What problem is the customer trying to solve?**
If central is configured offline, then the process to get support packages requires someone to go to a site, click a link, download the package, then upload the package to central.
*Solution: *What is the specific feature request?**
Add functionality to roxctl to get the support package and upload it to central. This will simplify the user experience to execute one command to get the packages, and obviate the need for a user to browse to a site.
*Urgency: *What is this feature currently blocking? (e.g. initial deal, production, upsell, internal reporting, etc.)**
This is not blocking anything atm, however SAP CX has complained about a process that they perceive to be unnecessarily complicated and they are not happy with long term.
*Timeline: *How long can we take to release this feature before it will cause friction with the customer?**
6 months is probably fine (my guess).