Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Network policies and egressFirewall improvements
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
2.1. Unify egress traffic management
As a cluster admin or an application owner I want to be able to manage egress traffic with a single API object.
For now 2 kind of objects are required in ordre to manage IP based and DNS based rules
- egressfirewall -> DNS name support
- networkpolicy -> standard traffic
2.2. Support DNS name and wildcard
As a cluster admin or an application owner I want to be able to declare rules bases on IP addresses or DNS name including wildcards
The following statement are expected to be supported in a rule. Spec are examples only
IP addresses (array of uniq IP)
spec: egress: - type: Allow to: ipv4: - -
IP ranges (array of cidr blocs)
spec: egress: - to: type: Allow - ipBlock: cidr: except: -
Ports (array of uniq port)
spec: egress: - type: Allow to: - ipBlock: cidr: ports: - protocol: TCP port: 32000
Port ranges (array of port ranges)
spec: egress: - type: Allow to: - ipBlock: cidr: ports: - protocol: TCP port: 32000 endPort: 32768
Nodes (node name or selector based on labels)
spec: egress: - type: Allow to: - nodeSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "kubernetes.io/hostname" operator: In values: - "rhtssc-worker-2.tamlab.redhat.com" - "rhtssc-worker-3.tamlab.redhat.com"
spec: egress: - type: Allow to: type: Allow - nodeSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io" operator: In values: - "control-plane"
spec: egress: - to: - namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: securityZone operator: In values: ["abc", "def"]
DNS name (array of FQDN)
spec: egress: - to: type: Allow - dnsName: - www.google.com - www.microsoft.com
DNS wildcard (array of domaine names)
Support only direct subdomains. *.microsoft.com matchs abc.microsoft.com and def.microsoft.com. It does not match def.abc.microsoft.com
spec: egress: - to: type: Allow - dnsName: - *.microsoft.com
2.3. Ease tracking of incomming traffic through Ingress
As of today incomming traffic through ingress follows the folling schema
External client -> Ingress or route -> Pods
With this classic schema it is not easy to filter the traffic since it must be allowed from external client to Ingress or Route and separately from Ingress to targetted Pods. Two netpols are required leading to loose a bit of identity and tracking on this traffic especially in a zero trust confirguration.
If loadbalancer is not managed by cloud provider, router is on the hostnetwork and not managed by networkpolicy
2.4. Hostnetwork protection
Currently there is no support of hostnetwork in network policy. this network is not part of the CNI and no covered by OVN-Kubernetes (this is expected)
It would be great to be able to manage hostnetwork filtering in the same way.
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
Manage seamlessly the network filtering with a comprehensive object
Support additional feature like dns wildcards in network policies without egressFirewall object
Benefites are
- Better control of the traffic and network filtering
- Demonstrate installed policies during regulation audit (PCI-DSS, etc.)
- Simplify desing of network policy API
- Unifying design with admin network policies
4. List any affected packages or components.
- ovn-kubernetes
- openshift-apiserver
- openshift-kube-apiserver