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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-5354

Ability to manage clusterAutoscaler having multiple machineSets of type x86/arm64 and on-demand/spot


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • openshift-4.15.z
    • Cluster Infrastructure
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0
    • 0% 0%

      1. Proposed title of this feature request

      Ability to manage clusterAutoscaler having multiple machineSets of type x86/arm64 and on-demand/spot.


      2. What is the nature and description of the request?


      On the OpenShift cluster customer have, for example 2 "types" of machines set, one using SpotVM ("spotVMOptions: {}" in the machineset definition), one using the same VM type but without SpotVM (on-demand capacity). 
      - Customer need these machines (whether it's Spot or not) to be reserved for the application.
      - Hence they define Taints on each machineset and their equivalent   Tolerations in the namespace of the application.
      - If for some reasons the HPA is scaling up the number of replicas of the application and there is no capacity available in one of the machineset (because there is no spot instance capacity left or because customer ran out of arm64 VM capacity in the region). 


      - Would the Cluster Autoscaler be able to detect this (as the deployment of the machine will be failing) and try to increase the replicas of another machineset ? 
      - Is there any way to define a deployment strategy (40% "Spot instances", 60% "on-demand") that would be compatible with the use of HPA/CA ?

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      Customer need this for their application specific requirement.(>3000 machines for this application in production at scale on 4 Azure regions). 


      4. List any affected packages or components.

         - ClusterAutoscaler

         - HPA

         - machine-api


            rh-ee-smodeel Subin MM
            rhn-support-harspati Harshada Patil
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
