Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Support for replacing a control plane node on a baremetal MNO cluster with ZTP/GitOps
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
The current process for replacing a (faulty) control plane node on a running baremetal MNO cluster consists of a number of steps, requiring by the partner to implement an automation to orchestrate the process.
This request is for the implementation of a simplified process which will be used by the partner, for the replacement of a control plane node with ZTP/GitOps.
Ideally, the expectation is that the entry of the (faulty) control plane node in the corresponding cluster entry in the SiteConfig will be replaced with the information for the new server, in the same way as in the initial installation process. Once this change is pushed to the git repository, ZTP will initiate the process, take the necessary actions to remove any reference to the old server, provision the new server and ensure that etcd is at a healthy state at the end of the process.
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
This request will simplify the process of replacing a faulty control plane note and eliminate any requirement on the partner’s side to automate and orchestrate this process, following the gitops principles. Additionally, this will allow Red Hat to have full control over the process rather than relying on the partner to implement any changes.
4. List any affected packages or components.