Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
openshift-4.10.z, openshift-4.11.z, openshift-4.12, openshift-4.13, openshift-4.14, openshift-4.15, openshift-4.16, openshift-4.17, openshift-4.18, openshift-4.19
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
- Trigger alert when ingress certificate is about to be expired
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
- New Feature request to generate/trigger alert when ingress cert is about to be expired in next 30 days
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
since there is no such alert cu has to manually monitor the expiry and if they fail the cert expires leading to issues where they cannot log in to cluster once we fix this problem using the kcs(https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6458661) the customer always says what can be done to avoid this for which saying manually monitor is the only answer we have as of now, if we get the rfe implemented then having an alert when cert expiry is due in a month on the ocp console would allow cu to proactively replace/renew cert avoiding situation where they raise its after they have an outage, we can also implement a check box where cu can acknowledge the alert to make sure they have seen the alert(I know it's easier said than done)
4. List any affected packages or components.
ingress certificate
- duplicates
RFE-3031 Ingress Operator Should rotate its own signing certificate
- Closed
- relates to
RFE-2955 Reencrypt Route Certificate expiration check
- Backlog
RFE-4997 Enable automatic rotation of self-signed default ingress certificate (inlcuding ingress CA)
- Backlog
RFE-1994 Display Cluster CA Cert Expiry and Button to Force Cert Rotation in Console
- Closed
- links to