Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Do
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Allow cluster-admin to delay kube-apiserver rollout time on SNO
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
The customer would like to be able to schedule kube-apiserver rollouts made by cluster-kube-apiserver-operator, to avoid unneeded impact in the applications running on SNO cluster.
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
Whenever any reconfiguration that impacts kube-apiserver happens, it has to be restarted and that means control plane unavailability on SNO.
Although SNO is not HA by definition, the expected meaning of this is unavailability during problems or planned upgrades and configuration changes, not unavailability due to internal reconfiguration intentionally made by the product. The request is to be able to schedule this impact for a more suitable time frame.
4. List any affected packages or components.
In principle, cluster-kube-apiserver-operator. However, it would be good to review if other components, like cluster-etcd-operator should have their operands scheduled in the same way.
- depends on
OCPSTRAT-714 Provide Detailed Administrative Control of all OCP Certs and Keys
- In Progress
- is incorporated by
OCPSTRAT-577 Ability to specify maintenance window for cert rotation
- Closed