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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-3374

Dev Console should allow developers to select their (private) repositories (after logging in with GitHub)


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    • False
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      1. Proposed title of this feature request
      Dev Console should allow developers to select their (private) repositories (after logging in with GitHub)

      2. What is the nature and description of the request?
      Currently, developers copy and paste Git URLs from their GitHub, GitLab, or other git providers into the OpenShift console to import an application.

      This process could be easier for the user if the (Developer) console allows them to login (via Oauth). Then the console is able to show a list of public and private user repositories as well as public and private repositories of organizations the user has access.

      The import flow could look like this the first time:

      1. The developer opens the console and switches to the "Developer" perspective
      2. She/he navigates to Add > Import from Git
      3. There are new buttons for each supported provider: dev is clicking one provider, for example, "GitHub"
      4. The developer is redirected to GitHub and needs to accept (read) access to his user profile and repositories. After that, she/he is redirected to the import page again.
      5. The page lists all public and private repositories of the user and her/his organization.
      6. After that the user can modify the build, and other configurations as today

      And the second time:

      1. The developer clicks on Import from Git, and then the Git Provider "GitHub" again
      2. The page lists all public and private repositories, the dev selects one
      3. After that the user can modify the build, and other configurations as today

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
      This makes the import of applications easier, esp. when using private repositories.

      4. List any affected packages or components.
      Developer console, esp. the add/import page

            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
