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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-3354

Make Nutanix a WMCO supported platform


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      1) Proposed title of this feature request

      Add Nutanix as a supported platform for WMCO


      2) What is the nature and description of the request?

      Nutanix is not currently a supported target of windows containers and needs additional work to operate similar to VMWare and AWS.  
      Also, enhance the BYOH process to force a node-ip, even if "platform: nutanix".  Right now the kubelet does not have a forced --node-ip and ends up changing to the IP of the "hybrid overlay" interface once it comes online, breaking communication between the node and the api-server.


      3) Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      Large customer is migrating to Nutanix as their hosting platform of choice and is heavily into adoption of Windows Containers.  Nutanix 


      4)List any affected packages or components.

      machine-api for nutanix

      • needs work to hand off a sysprep customization scripts at first boot of the new machine
      • needs to be enhanced to allow selection of UEFI vs Legacy BOOT 
      • Needs to expose "secure boot" option
      • maybe the kubelet when communicating back to find the node-ip

      Currently the process to add a windows node to a cluster with "platform: nutanix" is to follow these steps.

      1. create VM
      2. edit the Computer-Name to match given hostname 
      3. reboot
      4. let WMCO run for a moment
      5. switch to BYOH and add the host to the windows-instances ConfigMap by IP
      6. once the files are pushed to the node, edit the kubelet service and add --node-ip using `sc.exe config binPath "<existing binpath from sc.exe qc kubelet> --node-ip=<newip>"`
      7. Maybe re-edit the service once the WMCO has finished its work


      Related github request for UEFI boot_type support

            rhn-support-dhardie Duncan Hardie
            rhn-gps-nrevo Nate Revo
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
