Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Not Selected
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Add health check endpoint in haproxy in SSL frontend (:443)
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Currently, there is a health check endpoint in HAProxy in stats endpoint (/healthz) listening in StatsPort (by default 1936). We'd like to have another health check endpoint in 443 port.
Current health checkpoint:
{{ if (gt .StatsPort -1) }} listen stats bind :{{ if (gt .StatsPort 0) }}{{ .StatsPort }}{{ else }}1936{{ end }} mode http # Health check monitoring uri. monitor-uri /healthz
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
We have Varnish making healthcheck probes to Openshift, but it requires the healtcheck endpoint (IP:port) to be the same as the server returning content (IP:443). We're aware that some customers use "/" as healthcheck, but this isn't the best/recommended way, as it's not a healthcheck endpoint, so it doesn't tell you whether the router has synchronized routers or whether it's doing a graceful shutdown.
4. List any affected packages or components.
HaProxy Template[1]