Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Not Selected
Proposed title of this feature request
Support for MachineSet with additional empty disk definition on GCP
What is the nature and description of the request?
- The GCP providerSpec MachineSet section supports the definition of multiple disks.
- if the disk definition does not contain an `image` field we fallback to the project-level default image, see here
- Right now in order to define a MachineSet with additional empty disks we are forced to link the additional disk to an empty image (an image on GCP image storage has a cost)
- As per GCP API doc it is possible to create a VM instance with an additional emtpy disk
- The request of this RFE is to support empty additional disks without the need to link the disk to an image.
Why does the customer need this?
- At this moment creating MachineSets with empty additional disks is cumbersome and requires an empty image (with additional costs)
List any affected packages or components
- machine operator