What are the nature and description of the request?
To replace non-responsive workers., currently we have the option under
Compute -> Machines -> Machine X -> Delete Machine
However in some cases our "infra" nodes also go non-responsive, and since those contain storage, we would also like the option to reboot the machine instead of replacing it.
Compute -> Machines -> Machine X -> Reboot Machine, Start/Stop
Why is this needed? (List the business requirements here)
Sometimes a non responsive Machine needs to be Rebooted.
Currently we are presented only the option to delete such Machine when it enters this state same for Start/StopĀ
List any affected packages or components.
The Underlying Virtual Machine Node Itself
What is the desired target release (i.e., OCP 4.9, 4.10), and are there specific timeline dependencies?
No Timeline, or Target Version Required.
Would you assist in testing this functionality if implemented?
Cannot provide a guarantee, but I would be able to assist in testing it.
- is duplicated by
RFE-3005 Rebooting nodes via OCM
- Closed
- links to