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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-2587

Openstack Cinder CSI driver Operator allow parameter "node-volume-attach-limit"


    • False
    • False

      • Proposed title of this feature request

      Set up "node-volume-attach-limit" in openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator

      • What is the nature and description of the request?

      While using the openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator is not possible to set up the parameter "node-volume-attach-limit" , everytime a configuration change is made the operator unmakes the changes making it impossible to set up any new configurations.


      kind: ConfigMap
      apiVersion: v1
        name: openstack-cinder-config
        namespace: openshift-cluster-csi-drivers
        cloud.conf: |
          use-clouds = true
          clouds-file = /etc/kubernetes/secret/clouds.yaml
          cloud = openstack
        multiaz-cloud.conf: |
          use-clouds = true
          clouds-file = /etc/kubernetes/secret/clouds.yaml
          cloud = openstack
          [BlockStorage] <---[1]
          ignore-volume-az = yes 

      [1]: Not possible to add configuration in [BlockStorage] section as it gets going back to default config.



      This configuration is already possible in upstream: https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/docs/cinder-csi-plugin/using-cinder-csi-plugin.md#block-storage

      • Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      Customers want to limit the amount of Cinder block devices that get mounted in each(limiting this to 25)


      • List any affected packages or components.

              rh-gs-gcharot Gregory Charot
              rhn-support-mblach Miguel Blach
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
