Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Do
- Proposed title of this feature request:
Allow redirections to logoutRedirect URL for specific identityProvider (single sign on) only.
- What is the nature and description of the request?
- User logout action from OpenShift console uses logoutRedirect URL for all identityProviders, when more than 1 identityProviders are used.
- OCP has 2 identityProviders [OpenID and LDAP (Active Directory)]
- Configure logoutRedirect URL for OpenID identityProvider as explained in this doc [1] to perform single logout from SSO session as well from OCP logout.
- Login using a user authenticated against Active Directory. When this user logs out, the request is sent to logoutRedirect URL.
[1] [https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.7/web_console/configuring-web-console.html#web-console-configuration_configuring-web-console
Affected Components:
- Auth
- Web Console
I had opened a BZ [2] for this, where I was informed that this is how API is designed and the logout redirect URL would be applicable to all the users.