Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Proposed title of this feature request
Add the ability to define tags for the MachineAPI to create and to add to the node VMs it creates.
What is the nature and description of the request?
Per customer:
I know based on https://access.redhat.com/solutions/5312261 that the IPI procedure is what currently creates a tag in VMware based on infraID and in UPI situations that then needs pre-staged manually for MachineAPI to work, BUT we desire more.
The ability for the MachineAPI to create Tags irrelevant of of UPI/IPI is nice to have, but currently not a big deal if we need to prestage the ClusterID Tag and any others we desire/need in our infra.
The ability for the MachineAPI to add Tags to our VMs is the most desirable feature we would like. Else we're having to build that into our custom CronJob pod scripts to handle as well.
Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
Per customer:
Just as labeling is important in Kubernetes for organizing API objects and compute workloads (pods/containers), the same is true for the Kube/OCP node VMs running on the underlying infrastructure in any hosted or cloud platform. Reporting, auditing, troubleshooting and internal organization processes all require ways of easily filtering on and referencing servers by naming, labels or tags. Ensuring appropriate tagging is added to all OCP nodes in VMware ensures those troubleshooting, reporting or auditing can easily identify and filter Openshift node VMs.
List any affected packages or components.
- is caused by
OCPSTRAT-1035 Allow setting optional tags to machines in vSphere
- Closed