Feature Request
Resolution: Done
1. Proposed title of this feature request
To create a Virtual Service from Istio Config
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Currently, the Customer is able to create Virtual Service, Destination Rule, and Gateway using this wizard as below,
Services ---> Action ---> Request Routing
This gives access to Wizards, which helps to overcome the complexity of Istio configuration. One of them is “Request Routing”, which it’s going to assist you in creating Virtual Services, Destination Rules, and Gateways with a few clicks.
But not able to customize HTTPS protocol when specifying to create a new Gateway in the Wizard
Can change the port to 443 but we cannot specify HTTPS protocol for the Gateway.
[1]: https://kiali.io/documentation/latest/features/#_istio_wizards
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
1/ Allow to create a Virtual Service from Istio Config screen (we often need to create VS without going to wizard because we dont want necessary to create all other stuff at the same time (destination rules, gateways) every time.
2/ Allow to customize the HTTPS protocol in the wizard when creating a Gateway.
4. List any affected packages or components.
service mesh, istio, kiali