Feature Request
Resolution: Done
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Extend template form input fields to be multiline
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
In version 3.11 when filling in the values of a template there is a button in the textbox to expand it and allow multi-line messages. But in version 4.5 this button does not appear. How could multiline messages be inserted in this version?
Attach images with textbox in version 3.11 and version 4.5
3. Why does the customer need this?
- For a better visibility. For example, multiline SSH input is for user easy to examine if proper key was pasted (unlike with single line).
- Dynamic expandable form on input text field change would be a improvement of UX for bigger inputs and also UI improvement to allow customization of preference of size. Auto-Growing Inputs in Textareas could also be valid if the first one is not possible or not preferred.
4. List any affected packages or components.
template form
sfdc: 02854134
- is related to
OCPBUGS-23080 [regression] Impossible to pass multiline parameters to templates
- Closed